5 Reasons Network Marketers Should Add Live Chat to Their Website

5 Reasons Network Marketers Should Add Live Chat to Their Website

There are numerous benefits when it comes to live chats for businesses. Here are some top reasons network marketers should add live chat to their website.

Network marketing relies on human interaction to thrive. AARP claims over 20 million adults in the USA are current or former network marketers. With this much competition, communication is your key to success.

With our instant-access culture, you need to be fast. Customers want rapid responses. Take too long, and they're gone.
You can prevent this if you add live chat to your website. This key tool can boost your customer satisfaction rates to 83.1%. You can engage with leads on breaks, in noisy environments, anywhere. 

You might wonder how to add live chat to your website? How exactly will a web chatbox benefit you and your affiliates? And is it worth the investment?

We have a guide which tells you all you need to know. Read on for five benefits of a live chatbox for your website.

1. Boost Conversions When You Add Live Chat to Your Website
Live chat helps you generate leads. It helps you guide leads through their buyer's journey.
You can give answers fast. Maybe a lead found your website, but before they commit, they have demands you need to meet. 
Today, most people socialize, work, and buy online. Digital is the leading channel of communication. And without it, your competitors have an edge.

Most people feel more comfortable talking via social media and text.

A live chatbox is one of the most cost-effective methods for turning leads into customers. Live chat can boost your service reputation.

You can answer queries faster than your competitors. This gives your network marketing an edge.

A fast, effective response is crucial to an effective sales funnel. Slow response and poor support can turn leads away. Who wants to use a business if their customer service is poor?

2. Retain More Customers and Refine Your Communication
Businesses lose customers through inferior service. Forbes reports poor customer service cost businesses $75 billion in 2018. And it's easy to see why.

We have all experienced being on hold for hours, trying to resolve a problem. How did this affect your opinion of the business? Would you remain loyal or look elsewhere for service?

53% of customers prefer live chat support to a call center service line. And many see it as a given tool on any business website.
It boosts your credibility and your retention rates. A live agent ready to respond beats long call queues.

With a live chatbox on your website, your customers can always reach out for support. You and your team can give the answers they need. No more neverending call queues, automated phone lines, or poor reception.

3. Achieve Cost-Efficient ROI
Compared to calls, live chat is cost-efficient and generates a solid ROI. Customers have little patience for call service lines. Audio quality, signal strength, and time zones all affect customer experience.

The home-working nature of many network marketing companies makes things more difficult, too. Teams and clients can be huge distances apart. 

But if you add live chat to your website, you iron out many of the issues with 24/7 support.

Responses are faster. Answers are clearer. And both you and your customers have text-based records of the interaction.

Top businesses employ remote teams for live chat services. This cuts costs. It makes you adaptable and offers 24/7 support, and you will see your conversion rates rise.

And if your team works across timezones, you can provide excellent service 24/7. Organizing by traditional means costs you, but you can add live chat to your website for free. It is one of the easiest ways to raise your success rates.

4. Communicate With Multiple Leads at Once
Impossible with calls, but live chat makes this easy. Imagine your conversion rates when you give direct attention to multiple leads. It is one of your keys to success in network marketing.

Time becomes less of an issue. Your lead doesn't need to read your text immediately, but they can see the speed of your response. With calls, your lead needs to be available and you need to agree on a time.

Live chat lets you multitask. Calls take all your attention. It is difficult to do much more than take notes or fill forms.
But with live chat, you can research, promote your business, and still reply fast.

Live chat can open the door to promotion far smoother than call center sales pitches. If you've spent time asking about a problem, you are unlikely to listen to a sales pitch. But you might read a little extra text or click a link.

5. Boost Data For Analytics and Reports 
A live chatbox on your website adds a source of data for your campaigns. You can record common objections, complaints, and queries. Then you can fine-tune your website, iron out any issues, and boost your results.

Compared to analyzing call data, live chat data is accessible and ready to use. It is easier to analyze. You can use it to hone your future campaigns, creating value for both you and your customers.

Your website is your customer's window to your business, and how you use the data it collects is vital. A web chatbox adds another dimension to this. Instead of website view data and bounce rates, you get direct information. 

Use these suggestions to give your leads and customers what they want. Most analytic data can leave you guessing, but a live web chatbox gives you actionable information immediately. It's a simple tool with vast business benefits.

How to Add a Live Chat to Your Website
We hope you're excited to add live chat to your website. The benefits you gain are well worth the investment. Customers today demand fast service. And a live web chatbox enables you to do it.

At Fluid, we can set up live chat for you and your affiliates, without changing your site design. Increase your customer experience, retention, and conversions. 

Get in touch to request a Fluid app demo today.
